Home Forums Support PacketHandlerErrorGlobal_AliveTestPacket

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #2748

    Hi MarcF
    Thanks for your hard work. the library is very excellent.

    I meet the error Occasionally.

    The Message is: `Base Exception Type: NetworkCommsDotNet.UnexpectedPacketTypeException: The received packet type ‘AliveTestPacket-Request’ has no configured handler and NetworkComms.Net is not set to ignore unknown packet types. Set NetworkComms.IgnoreUnknownPacketTypes=true to prevent this error.
    I think I find the reason

    1:NetworkComms.ReservedPacketTypeNames doesn’t contains the AliveTestpacket-Request and AliveTestPacket-Replay

    2: when itemPriority != QueueItemPriority.Highest

    the Error will occure

    Sorry for my poor english.

    Best Regards


    Heya Msdc123,

    Many kind thanks for the support! Can you please elaborate what you mean by ‘occasionally’, i.e. 100 request per second and possible 0.1% of them cause this exception.

    Kind regards,


    Hi MarcF
    Thanks for your response.
    encounter this problem,Not only AliveTestPacket-Request ,but also other my custom type.
    error message like this:

    Base Exception Type: NetworkCommsDotNet.UnexpectedPacketTypeException: The received packet type ‘AgreeOrReject’ has no configured handler and NetworkComms.Net is not set to ignore unknown packet types. Set NetworkComms.IgnoreUnknownPacketTypes=true to prevent this error.
    my server code:
    ResMessage resMessage = connection.SendReceiveObject<FileContract, ResMessage>(“ReqSendFileToClient”, “ClientAgreeOrReject”, 5000, fileContract, aboveNormalOptions, aboveNormalOptions);

    my Client code:
    private void IncomingReqSendFile(PacketHeader header, Connection connection, FileContract fileContract)
    ResMessage resMessage = new ResMessage(“Agree”);

    connection.SendObject(“ClientAgreeOrReject”, resMessage);


    1: I encounter this problem when I download files.
    2: I Encounter this problem when I use SendReceiveObject method.

    So I guess the reason may be relevant to SendReceiveObject method or the timeout

    Kind regards,


    This was actually being caused by a bug. NetworkComms.Net was incorrectly raising this warning for an internally used packet type. It has been fixed and will be included in the next version. In the mean time if you want to suppress these warnings simply add the following to your code:

    NetworkComms.IgnoreUnknownPacketTypes = true;

    Many kind thanks for reporting the problem.


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