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  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #2824


    I have been through the examples provided and I am unsure as to how to actually build a production server/ client from it. My understanding of other network libraries is that you need to create a thread to keep certain parts of the library alive. I am not sure looking at the examples provided, which calls should go into a thread and which calls don’t require threading.

    Does the library have its own internal threads? Do I just need to keep the AppendIncomingPacketHandler alive? Is there an example that shows how to use it in a production scenario

    Also does the server always have to be available before a client is started or is it just that we have to write code to do the reconnection every time?

    Thanks for reading


    Heya Bernard,

    Have you been through the examples included in the download bundle. In particular examples in the ExamplesConsole project:

    1. BasicSend.cs
    2. IntermediateSend.cs
    3. AdvancedSend.cs

    These examples introduce you to the basics and then more complex aspects available to you when building a production server/client.

    Kind regards,

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