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You can either use a UDP broadcast which is the most efficient for a large number of clients:

//Broadcast a shutdown state object to all local network clients
ShutdownState state = new ShutdownState();
NetworkCommsDotNet.Connections.UDP.UDPConnection.SendObject("ClientShutdown", state, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Broadcast, 10000));

or using TCP:

List<IPAddress> clientAddresses = new List<IPAddress>() { /* All IPs go here */ };
ShutdownState state = new ShutdownState();

//Connect to each client and send the shutdown packet
foreach (IPAddress address in clientAddresses)
        ConnectionInfo clientInfo = new ConnectionInfo(new IPEndPoint(address, 10000));
        NetworkCommsDotNet.Connections.TCP.TCPConnection.GetConnection(clientInfo).SendObject("ClientShutdown", state);
    catch (CommsException)
        Console.WriteLine("Failed to send shutdown to {0}", address.ToString());
