`I have one server in NewYork ip: x.x.x.x
And I have one client in London ip: y.y.y.y
How to make connection between server – client.
What is the bast way to communicate?
My code:
NetworkComms.SendObject(“Message”, “y.y.y.y”, 10000, “hello”);
NetworkComms.AppendGlobalIncomingPacketHandler<string>(“Message”, PrintIncomingMessage);
Connection.StartListening(ConnectionType.TCP, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(“x.x.x.x”), 10000));
The server always got exception:
Error during TCP connection establish with destination ([TCP-E-S] -> y.y.y.y:10000).
Destination may not be listening or connect timed out. NetworkCommsDotNet.ConnectionSetupException: Timeout waiting for remoteEndPoint to accept TCP connection.