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I work at my school, I have a client-server application in C # with Visual Studio 2010 and I have my first client 1 that connects to server. but now I have a problem to connect a server to another client 2 in a VM (Virtual Machine: Virtual Box Windows 7).
Client 2:
* It should be the server connects to the client 2?
* The server sends a message to the client that son located in a virtual machine?
* After sent, the server received a confirmation message from client 2?
So it remains to create of client 2 code that receives a message from the server and client 2 sends a confirmation response to server and client 1?
Please find attached client / server code.
Very thank you in advance and regards.
thank you
client :
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
using DPSBase;
using NetworkCommsDotNet;
namespace SocketProject.Client
class Program
#region [ Fields ]
private static ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = null;
private static Stopwatch _stopWatch = null;
static void Main(string[] args)
string serverIP = string.Empty;
int serverPort = 0;
int loopCounter = 1;
TCPConnection serverConnection = null;
string result = string.Empty;
//Enter Params of the connection
Console.WriteLine(“SVP, saisissez l’adresse IP et le port du serveur ( : “);
string serverInfo = Console.ReadLine();
serverIP = serverInfo.Split(‘:’).First();
serverPort = int.Parse(serverInfo.Split(‘:’).Last());
while (true)
connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo(serverIP, serverPort);
serverConnection = TCPConnection.GetConnection(connectionInfo);
//Send Message to the others clients
NetworkComms.AppendGlobalIncomingPacketHandler<string>(“SendMessageToOthersClt”, HandleIncomingCltMessage);
//Send Message to the serveur
NetworkComms.AppendGlobalIncomingPacketHandler<string>(“CustomObjectReply”, HandleIncomingSrvMessage);
Console.Write(string.Format(“Entrez votre {0}{1} message : \n “, loopCounter, (loopCounter == 0) ? “er” : “eme”));
string messageToSend = Console.ReadLine();
_stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
if (messageToSend.StartsWith(“SendMsg”))
int firstSpace = messageToSend.IndexOf(‘ ‘);
serverConnection.SendObject(“SendMessageToOthersClt”, messageToSend.Substring(firstSpace));
serverConnection.SendObject(“RequestCustomObject”, messageToSend);
if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key == ConsoleKey.Q) break;
private static void HandleIncomingSrvMessage(PacketHeader header, Connection connection, string incomingMessage)
string messageToShow = string.Empty;
string execTime = string.Empty;
messageToShow = “——————————————————————————-\n”;
string[] res = incomingMessage.Trim().Split(‘-’);
if (res.Length > 1)
execTime = ((_stopWatch.Elapsed.Milliseconds * 1000) + int.Parse(res[0])).ToString();
execTime = (_stopWatch.Elapsed.Milliseconds * 1000).ToString();
switch (res[1])
case “LaunchVM”:
messageToShow += “Virtual Box Lancée après ” + execTime + “(ns)\n”;
case “LaunchVagrant”:
messageToShow += “Vagrant Lancée après ” + execTime + “(ns)\n”;
case “SendMsg”:
messageToShow += “Le message envoyée aprés ” + execTime + “(ns)\n”;
messageToShow += “Le message ‘” + res[1] + “‘ a été reçu par le serveur après ” + execTime + “(ns)\n”;
messageToShow += “——————————————————————————-\n”;
private static void HandleIncomingCltMessage(PacketHeader header, Connection connection, string incomingMessage)
TimeSpan ts = _stopWatch.Elapsed;
Console.Write(string.Format(“Message reçu de la part d’un autre client : {0} \n “, incomingMessage));
using System;
using NetworkCommsDotNet;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using DPSBase;
using System.Threading;
namespace SocketProject.Server
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
NetworkComms.AppendGlobalIncomingPacketHandler<string>(“RequestCustomObject”, (packetHeader, connection, message) =>
Stopwatch stopWatchLaunchVagrant = new Stopwatch();
string msgConsole = string.Empty;
string elapsedTime = “”;
string process = “”;
string workingDirectory = “”;
string arg = “”;
msgConsole += “—————————————————————————–\n”;
msgConsole += string.Format(“Message reçu de la part Client {0}, le contenu est : {1} \n”, “[” + connection.ConnectionInfo.NetworkIdentifier.Value + ” ” + connection.ConnectionInfo.LocalEndPoint.Address.ToString() + “:” + connection.ConnectionInfo.LocalEndPoint.Port.ToString() + “]“, message);
if (message == “LaunchVM”)
process = @”VirtualBox.exe”;
workingDirectory = @”C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\”;
else if (message == “LaunchVagrant”)
process = “cmd.exe”;
workingDirectory = @”C:\Vagrant\”;
arg = “vagrant up”;
else if (message == “LaunchVagrantDistant”)
process = “cmd.exe”;
workingDirectory = @”\\dauphine-PC\Vagrant\”;
arg = “vagrant up”;
else if (message == “test”)
process = “devenv.exe”;
workingDirectory = @”C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\”;
ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(process)
UseShellExecute = true,
RedirectStandardOutput = false,
RedirectStandardInput = false,
RedirectStandardError = false,
CreateNoWindow = true,
WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory
if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg)))
psi.Arguments = “/C ” + arg;
System.Diagnostics.Process p = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(psi);
elapsedTime = (p.TotalProcessorTime.TotalMilliseconds * 1000 + stopWatchLaunchVagrant.ElapsedMilliseconds * 1000).ToString();
msgConsole += “Temps d’exécution est : ” + elapsedTime + “\n”;
msgConsole += “—————————————————————————–\n”;
connection.SendObject(“CustomObjectReply”, elapsedTime + “-” + message);
NetworkComms.AppendGlobalIncomingPacketHandler<string>(“SendMessageToOthersClt”, (packetHeader, connection, message) =>
string msgConsole = string.Empty;
msgConsole += “—————————————————————————–\n”;
msgConsole += string.Format(“Le Client {0} a envoyé ce message : \” {1} \” aux autres clients \n”, “[” + connection.ConnectionInfo.NetworkIdentifier.Value + ” ” + connection.ConnectionInfo.LocalEndPoint.Address.ToString() + “:” + connection.ConnectionInfo.LocalEndPoint.Port.ToString() + “]“, message);
var allRelayConnections = (from current in NetworkComms.GetExistingConnection() where current != connection select current).ToArray();
foreach (var relayConnection in allRelayConnections)
relayConnection.SendObject(“SendMessageToOthersClt”, message);
catch (CommsException) { /* Catch the comms exception, ignore and continue */ }
msgConsole += “—————————————————————————–\n”;
NetworkComms.AppendGlobalConnectionEstablishHandler((connection) => { Console.Write(string.Format(” Nouveau client connecté : [IP : {0}, PORT : {1}] \n”, connection.ConnectionInfo.LocalEndPoint.Address.ToString(), connection.ConnectionInfo.LocalEndPoint.Port.ToString())); });
foreach (System.Net.IPEndPoint localEndPoint in TCPConnection.ExistingLocalListenEndPoints())
Console.WriteLine(“Serveur demarré – Infos : {0}:{1}”, localEndPoint.Address, localEndPoint.Port);
Console.WriteLine(“\n Cliquez sur une touche pour fermer le serveur.”);
public static string elapsedTime { get; set; }