NetworkComms PropertiesNetworkComms.Net Help
The NetworkComms type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberCheckSumMismatchSentPacketCacheMaxByteLimit
When checksum validation is enabled sets the limit below which sent packets are cached to ensure successful delivery. Default 75KB.
Public propertyStatic memberCommsThreadPool
The thread pool used by networkComms.Net to execute incoming packet handlers.
Public propertyStatic memberConnectionAliveTestTimeoutMS
Time to wait in milliseconds before assuming a remote connection is dead when doing a connection test. Default is 1000.
Public propertyStatic memberConnectionEstablishTimeoutMS
Time to wait in milliseconds before throwing an exception when waiting for a connection to be established. Default is 30000.
Public propertyStatic memberConnectionListenModeUseSync
Used for switching between async and sync connectionListen modes. Default is false. No noticeable performance difference between the two modes.
Public propertyStatic memberCurrentRuntimeEnvironment
The current runtime environment. Detected automatically on start up. Performance may be adversely affected if this is changed.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultSendReceiveOptions
Default options for sending and receiving in the absence of specific values
Public propertyStatic memberDisableConnectionSendTimeouts
By default NetworkComms.Net closes connections for which sends take a long time. The timeout is calculated based on previous connection send performances. Set this to true to disable this feature.
Public propertyStatic memberEnablePacketCheckSumValidation
When enabled uses an MD5 checksum to validate all received packets. Default is false, relying on any possible connection checksum alone. Also when enabled any packets sent less than CheckSumMismatchSentPacketCacheMaxByteLimit will be cached for a duration to ensure successful delivery. Default false.
Public propertyStatic memberIgnoreUnknownPacketTypes
If true any unknown incoming packet types are ignored. Default is false and will result in an error file being created if an unknown packet type is received.
Public propertyStatic memberInitialReceiveBufferSizeBytes
Initial receive data buffer size for reading data. Keeping this small reduces the static size of connection objects which each have an internal buffer. Default is 512 bytes. CAUTION: Changing the default value can lead to performance degradation.
Public propertyStatic memberLogger
Access the NetworkCommsDotNet logger externally.
Public propertyStatic memberLoggingEnabled
Returns true if NetworkComms.Net logging has been enabled.
Public propertyStatic memberMaxReceiveBufferSizeBytes
Maximum data buffer size that will be allocated for reading. Default is 80KB. CAUTION: Changing the default value can lead to performance degradation.
Public propertyStatic memberMinimumSentPacketCacheTimeMinutes
When a sent packet has been cached for a possible resend this is the minimum length of time it will be retained. Default is 1.0 minutes.
Public propertyStatic memberNetworkIdentifier
The local identifier for this instance of NetworkCommsDotNet. This is an application unique identifier.
Public propertyStatic memberPacketConfirmationTimeoutMS
Time to wait in milliseconds before throwing an exception when waiting for confirmation of packet receipt. Default is 5000.
Public propertyStatic memberSendBufferSizeBytes
Send data buffer size. Default is 80KB. CAUTION: Changing the default value can lead to performance degradation.
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