ConnectionInfo Constructor NetworkComms.Net Help
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Public methodConnectionInfo(EndPoint)
Create a new ConnectionInfo object pointing at the provided remote OnlineIPEndPoint. Uses the custom NetworkComms.Net application layer protocol.
Public methodConnectionInfo(EndPoint, ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus)
Create a new ConnectionInfo object pointing at the provided remote OnlineIPEndPoint
Public methodConnectionInfo(String, Int32)
Create a new ConnectionInfo object pointing at the provided remote ipAddress and port. Provided ipAddress and port are parsed in to RemoteEndPoint. Uses the custom NetworkComms.Net application layer protocol.
Public methodConnectionInfo(String, Int32, ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus)
Create a new ConnectionInfo object pointing at the provided remote ipAddress and port. Provided ipAddress and port are parsed in to RemoteEndPoint.
Public methodConnectionInfo(ConnectionType, ShortGuid, EndPoint, Boolean)
Create a connectionInfo object which can be used to inform a remote peer of local connectivity. Uses the custom NetworkComms.Net application layer protocol.
Public methodConnectionInfo(ConnectionType, ShortGuid, EndPoint, Boolean, ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus)
Create a connectionInfo object which can be used to inform a remote peer of local connectivity
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