ConnectionInfo PropertiesNetworkComms.Net Help
The ConnectionInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApplicationLayerProtocol
If enabled NetworkComms.Net uses a custom application layer protocol to provide useful features such as inline serialisation, transparent packet transmission, remote peer information etc. Default: ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Enabled
Public propertyConnectionCreationTime
The DateTime corresponding to the creation time of this connection object
Public propertyConnectionEstablishedTime
The DateTime corresponding to the creation time of this connection object
Public propertyConnectionListener
If this connection is ServerSide references the listener that was used.
Public propertyConnectionState
Describes the current state of the connection
Public propertyConnectionType
The type of this connection
Public propertyIsConnectable
True if the RemoteEndPoint is connectable.
Public propertyLastTrafficTime
The DateTime corresponding to the time data was sent or received
Public propertyLocalEndPoint
The OnlineEndPoint corresponding to the local end of this connection.
Public propertyNetworkIdentifier
Returns the networkIdentifier of this peer as a ShortGuid. If the NetworkIdentifier has not yet been set returns ShortGuid.Empty.
Public propertyRemoteEndPoint
The OnlineEndPoint corresponding to the local end of this connection.
Public propertyServerSide
True if connection was originally established by remote
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