Start listening for new incoming connections on specified IPEndPoints. Listener is matched
with desired localIPEndPoint based on List index. Inspect listener.LocalListenIPEndPoint
when method returns to determine the IPEndPoints used.
Namespace: NetworkCommsDotNet.ConnectionsAssembly: NetworkCommsDotNet (in NetworkCommsDotNet.dll) Version: (
- listeners
- Type: System.Collections.Generic List ConnectionListenerBase
The listeners to use.
- desiredLocalEndPoints
- Type: System.Collections.Generic List T
The desired local IPEndPoints to use for listening. Use a port number of 0 to dynamically select a port.
- useRandomPortFailOver
- Type: System Boolean
If true and the requested local port is not available will select one at random. If false and provided port is unavailable will throw CommsSetupShutdownException
Type Parameters
- T
[Missing <typeparam name="T"/> documentation for "M:NetworkCommsDotNet.Connections.Connection.StartListening``1(System.Collections.Generic.List{NetworkCommsDotNet.Connections.ConnectionListenerBase},System.Collections.Generic.List{``0},System.Boolean)"]
See Also